Mechanical property studies sometimes require specialized mechanical test systems with either much lower or higher force capability than available in the core facility, or extreme high rates of loading. In addition, full process-structure-property (PSP) studies often involve thermomechanical process and heat treatment studies and characterization of the structure at different scales (nanoscopic, microscopic, mesoscopic). Partner lab facilities at Georgia Tech have the expertise to assist those who have a need for these specialized tests and characterization. Interested users should contact the facility or Point of Contact (POC) provided directly if interested in any of the equipment and expertise of these Partner Facilities.
Specialized Mechanical Test Facilities
Corrosion and Materials Chemistry Research Laboratory
- stress-corrosion cracking
- corrosion-fatigue
- slow strain rate tests
- potentiodynamic polarization tests
Muhlstein Small-Scale Testing LaboratoryHigh-Strain-Rate Gas-Gun Facility
- strain rates up to 106 1/s
Split Hopkinson Bar Intermediate Strain Rate Facility
- strain rates from 102 to 104 1/s in compression, tension, and torsion
- unique facility in humidity- and temperature-controlled room for testing textiles and fibers
POC: Radhakrishnaiah ParachuruElastic Characterization of Materials via Acoustic/Dynamics
- unique facility for measuring dynamic elastic properties of soft (viscoelastic) materials as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure
POC: Francois GuillotStructural Engineering and Materials Laboratory
- large load capacity systems for civil engineering structures and materials
Tribology and Surface Engineering Laboratory
- facilities for measuring friction, lubrication, and wear behavior of interacting surfaces
Shared-User Characterization Facilities
Materials Characterization Facility (MCF)The MCF contains a variety of laboratories and center for characterization of materials including the size, shape, elemental and chemical composition, and structure of materials on the atomic, nano, and microscales. Capabilities include:
- Electron microscopy (SEM, STM, TEM)
- Atomic force microscopy
- Scanning Probe Microscopy
- Spectroscopy (EDS, FTIR, ToF-SIMS, UPS, XPS)
- X-ray Diffraction
- Sample preparation (coating, sputtering, plasma etching, ion polishing)
- PANalytical X-ray Facility
Please visit the MCF website for a full list of capabilities and contact information.Renewable Biomaterials Institute (RBI)RBI has a physical testing laboratory for paper, board, and box testing. Capabilities include:
- TAPPI physcial properties such as tensile strength, modulus, bending stiffness,
- Optical properties such as gloss, opacity, and brightness
- Burst testing
- Density, permeability, and surface roughness
- Flat crush, edge crush, pin adhesion, and concora testing for corrugated materials
- Ultrasonic measurements
- Coefficient of friction
Please visit the RBI website for a full list of capabilities and contact information.The Materials Innovation and Learning Laboratory (MILL)The MILL is a maker and characterization space in the Love building that is undergraduate-run and free for use by GT students and faculty. Broadly, capabilities cover characterization, measurement, and processing of materials including microscopy, X-ray diffraction, hardness testing, mechanical testing, FTIR, along with 3D printers, extruders, mills, and a melting furnace
Specialized Characterization Facilities and Expertise
Image Analysis ToolsHardness Testing
Machine Shops
Campus facilities for fabrication of fixtures and test specimens
Manufacturing Institute Machine Shop